They hope to take the prescription with pills and to fix the problem quickly. Mostly patients are sent home after a brief exam and a prescription for pain medication.
It’s not correct practice as researching the source of headache could show unexpected results. Checking this problem from different directions could save people’s lives.
The root of most headaches can be traced back to two things; dehydration or a misalignment in the neck. Yet, most doctors are quick to pull out their prescription pads and move on to the next patient, without fully addressing the problem at hand. Handheld devices (cell phones, tablets, electronic games) have dramatically increased the accessibility and usage of technology, especially by very young children. Children and youth use 4-5 times the recommended amount of technology, with serious and often life threatening consequences. Following are 10 reasons why the use of all handheld devices for children under 12 should be banned.

People visit their doctors complaining of headaches everyday. The past decade has showed shocking rise in disease, due to poor lifestyle choices and bad postural habits. More and more of us are hunched over in front of a computer screen all day, then come home to another session of computers and television, we pop out our phones and check the latest updates on social media. What we don’t realize is that these choices are causing misalignments in our spines, which puts unnecessary and often dangerous pressure on the delicate nerves responsible for the function of our organs. If nerve energy can’t reach our vital organs, they will go into a state of dysfunction and eventually diseas.